
Thursday, 2 November 2017

are little gardening adventure

Hello and  welcome back  to  my  blog if your  new  welcome  to  my  blog my  name  is  Ebes and  this  is  my  blog.Today we  went  gardening with Corban´s Nan I learned how  to  garden at first I  was  a  little disgusted because  there  was manure but  it  was  dried.I was planting I was  also  boiling but it  was   fun and awesome I  learned  a lot. I was  a  little  confused  at  times but  my  class  helped me here`s  picture`s  of our  success.

Monday, 11 September 2017

please respect the environment

Hello and welcome  back to my  blog this  time I am going  to speak about  pollution!!  We  need to  take  care  of  our planet because  this is our  environment  and  we  need to  protect it we need to be guardians of the planet  if  we  don`t   who  knows  what the next generation will be like. On  Friday  Mr Gunn  told  us  the  story of  rata and the waka   he did`t  respect  the  tree so  he could not  build a  waka  to  honor his  father so  please respect  the  environment. It  is   people it is people it  is people.

Friday, 1 September 2017

my science learning with Mrs Watson

On  Monday   we went  Mrs  Watson's class Mrs Watson  thought   us about bugs next we  watched a  bug  video it was filled with  facts. they were  good facts and interesting facts.  Next we  had to chose. A bug we  like to  learn about and  it was  super fun.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Special Things

Hello there today I'm .gonna talk about my special thing.
 My special thing is a diamond/rock, it's special because  it  reminds me about God.How it  reminds me  about God is  the stones God created and  its shimmer white blue  colour also reminds me  of  the  seas and oceans God  created.