
Friday, 28 August 2020

Priests, Deacons And Bishops

 Today in Te Kahu class we have been looking at the sacrament of holy orders and we created an info graphic on Priests, Deacons and Bishops. Here is Mine.

Week 6 Term 4

 What did I enjoy this week? The thing I enjoyed most this week is winning the Far North Speech Competitions I can proudly say I came first and is one of the proudest moment of my life.

What was one success I had and why? One success I had was in Far North Speech competition 2020 like I said it was a proud moment of my life and I practiced really hard for it.

What is something  that I found challenging and why? Something I found challenging this week was completing my contract because I was away winning the speech comp on Thursday but likely I can easily complete them from home.

What is one thing I have learned? One thing new I have learned is how to better my speech for the future I know the things I need to work on and improve like speaking louder and acting more confident.

What is something I am looking forward to next week? Something I am looking forward to next week is learning about math next week I am sure we are learning about graphs and I am excited to learn this new thing.

How have I shown the value of Pono this week? I have shown the value pono this week by being honest an truthful to myself and others I have also been genuinely kind too.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Senses Poem

 Today in Te Kahu class we made senses poem. Here Is mine.

 greenish blue tint of the ocean

mouth watering smell of fish and chips 

 satisfying and comforting crashing of waves coarse but warm sand 

crispy golden skin of a well fried fish and the the gorgeous taste of fries 

 I have officially arrived in heaven 

Waihi Beach Art & Craft Fair - Waihi Beach - Eventfinda

The Importance of Detailed Instructions

 Today in cyber smart class we did an activity were we got a partner and together created images out of shapes. In my opinion me and my partner Ryan did wonderfully. What we had trouble with though was naming shapes and where to put them without grids here is my slide.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Week 5 Term 3 Reflection

 The thing I enjoyed the most this week is doing art both pop art and RE collage art were very enjoyable and I am very proud of the art I did. 

One success I had was winning the speech finals it was both very exciting and very suspenseful at the same time, on the 27th this month I am going to Far North Reps wish me luck.

Something I found challenging at first was my RE collage art at first it was difficult I even lost my original paper ta one point so I had to start again but my new and better piece looks wonderful.

One new thing I  have learned this week is cool amazing facts about the brain like did you know that the average human brain weighs 1.4 Kg.

Something I am looking forward to next week is doing daffodil day art I want to know what  art we are creating and helping the cancer foundation.

I have shown pono this week by being honest in my actions to self and others and generally being honest and truthful.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

The Normandy Landings: A Personification Story

 Today in Te Kahu class we have been doing personification writing here is my piece.



 This week Te Kahu we had a project where we created a DLO (Digital Learning Object). Here is mine hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The Rusty Green Table: A Personification Story

 I am sturdy, old and a bit rusty but I am supportive, kind and caring. As the late evening sun glistened in  the sky, the children left I felt lonely, depressed and not needed, I enjoy their smiling and kind faces of the children they bring me joy. As the early morning sun tiredly smiled upon the rough court I opened my eyes to see the children lined up outside their faces filled with joy and merry without a care in the world. As they approached I felt wanted and needed their company filled my heart with joy. Now as they learn new things and create new things on top of me I feel loved and needed.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Week 3 Term 3

 The thing I enjoyed most this week is doing cross country I had so much fun running the track was long but exciting, and everyone cheared me on.                                                                                                      One success I had this week is with my creative writing I finally finished it this week and it is looking great.                                                                                                                                                                Something I found difficult was believing that I could complete my creative writting I thought it was going to take a long time but I eventually finished it.                                                                                        One new thing learned this week is about graphs  I learned what a graph is and how it is in algebra.            Something I really look forward to next week is printing and reading my creative writing book to the juniors.                                                                                                                                                              I have showed the value Pono by being true to my self and others being just and kind.