
Friday, 26 March 2021

Word Of The Week: Week 8 Term 1

 This week's word of the week was evaporation. the word of the week this week was themed around what we were learning in Inquiry, the water cycle. Here is my work.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

St Joseph's Day Summary And Art

Last week in Te Kahu we did an activity themed around St Joseph. The activity we did had two parts, first we created a summary on St Joseph's life then we did art of St Joseph's face. here is my presentation.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Chapter Chat : Chapter 4

 This week in Te Kahu class we have read Hunger Games chapter 4. Hunger Games chapter 4 is centered on Katniss's adventures on the train to the capital. Here is my work.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Word of The Week : Week 7

 This weeks word of the week is carpenter. The reason why it is carpenter is because for R.E we are learning about Joseph and Joseph you guessed it, was a carpenter. Now here is my work.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Weekly Reflection : Week 6 Term 1

 This week I did cool and interesting activities such as the A Day In The Life Of Sopee venn diagram, the See-Think-Wonder activity, PEEL paragraphs, Jam Board etc. This week the activities were more or less unexcited  but I have something I enjoyed this week that was Mahi Tahi.

My favourite activity this week was Mahi Tahi. This weeks Mahi Tahi was about creating a learning object themed around caring for Gods creation for a competition judged by Caritas a Catholic charity. As usual in mahi tahi we were going to this in a group my group consisted of Dallas T, Kayde, Druvika and me. My group was originally going to do a video on the subject but since basically everyone is making a video we decided to make a poem book instead.

Something I found challenging this week was keeping up to date with my work as we were often out of class doing something else. It was fun being out of class but it is also fun to get the satisfaction of getting my contract done.

I have worked toward some of my goal by getting more confident in multiple strategies for multiplication and division. Like the expand, multiply and regroup strategy which is on of my personal favourites.

The value of mercy means to show kindness and care to those who are less fortunate than you, I have shown mercy by helping out those who are less fortunate than me, like by playing with someone who was lonely.

Next week I am looking forward to doing more local curriculum learning. With our focus being on rivers I am very highly interested on what we will learn next.

Thursday, 11 March 2021


 This year in Te Kahu class we are doing something different, were doing a local curriculum.Now the local curriculum is a curriculum were instead of learning surface level stuff we get a deeper understanding and education of a subject for 10 weeks. This 10 weeks' subject is rivers. For the activity we watched 3 videos about rivers then we did a see- think- wonder were we write done what we saw what we l know or think and what we want to know. This is my work.

Week 6 Word Of The Week Term One

 This week in Te Kahu class we have been doing word of the week. This weeks word of the week is estuary, here is my presentation.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

A Day In The Life Of Sopee

 Today in Te Kahu  class we started our day of on a high note, by doing R.E first. For R.E toady we watched a video about a day in  the life of a girl named sopee. If you to would like to watch the video here is a link (a day in the life of Sopee). For our activity we compared our life to Sopee's life  using a Venn diagram. Here is my work.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Term 1 Week 5 Reflection

 This week I did sensational and interesting activities such as a boat that floats, word of the week, chapter chat, my pepeha activity etc every activity I did was very fun and stimulating. My favourite activity I did was a boat that floats even though timing my boats floating time is taking ages it is and will still be one of the most coolest activities I've done this year.

Something I really enjoyed doing was this weeks word of the week. Now this weeks word of the week was different to the other word of the weeks because this weeks one was not originally done digitally, It was a collaborative group task and instead of pronouncing the word we acted it out. The thing I enjoyed most was doing something new and interesting rather than the same old write the definition on a slide and post it o your blog.

Something I found challenging this week was doing my floating boat activity not because it was difficult to make it but it was annoyingly difficult to time it because last time I did it I got 5min 49s not because it sunk but  because we had to stop to go to mourning tea and this time I got to 30min 46s  before stopping to go to mourning tea. It is just simply annoying how much time it will probably take for it  to finally sink.

I have worked toward some of my goal by nearly completing my times table grid in basic facts the only ones I did not succeed in was 6,7,8 times tables . For next time I want to improve my time on basic facts and to better practice or figure out a trick to learning my 6, 7, 8 times tables.

The value of mercy means to show kindness and care to those who are less fortunate than you, I have done this by being a friend to those who do not have any company and being kind and helpful to all those around me.

I am looking forward to finishing my floating boat activity this or  maybe the next week, I am just curious to find out how long my boat the S.S KFC Plate can float. Plus it would be such a shame to leave such a cool activity unconcluded.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Week 5 Word Of The Week

 This week in Te Kahu class our word of the week was a lot different than normal. This time we worked in a group of four and we were doing it against the clock. This weeks word of the week is sensational  and instead of doing it online we did it on a piece of paper. Doing it differently was so weird yet so fun. The group I worked with to complete this task was Roman, Max Dallas and I. Now the word of the week was also structured differently instead of definition, image and pronunciation and sentence it was definition, act it out, image, definition and sentence unfortunately the act it out was not videoed. without further ado here is my word of the week. The image we drew is a man on top moving vehicle felling sensational. The sentence is I was feeling sensational on the roller coaster. 

Hunger Games Chapter Chat : Chapter 3

 This year in Te Kahu class we will bee reading a dystopian novel series called The Hunger Games which was written by Suzzane Collins  and has been praised all around the world even earning 4 awards ( Fantasy & Science Fiction - Young Adult, California young reader: Young adult, Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award , California young reader: Young adult and The Hal Clement award). Every time we have finished a chapter we will be doing something known as a Chapter Chat where we answer questions relating to the chapter. This is done so that the teacher can know if we can comprehend and be up to date with the story. We show this by answering  and  choosing 4 question out of ten questions in each slide which has question for each chapter. With out further ado here is my  Chapter Chat. 

With Katniss being gone Prim will not be able to take her place and hunt. She won’t be able to do it because she is inexperienced and because she is too emotional about killing animals this is shown in the part of the book when Katniss takes Prim hunting and she kills a deer Prim begs Katniss to save the deer.But likely she is able to trade items for food and has enough good reputation to survive.

Madge gives and insists Katniss wears a mockingjay pin on her chest though she does not tell Katniss why, but Katniss thanks it is a symbol to remind her that The Capitol can still fail and reminds her of her late father and his comforting voice

The reason why a mockingjay is an insult to The Capitol is because the mockingjay is descended from the jabberjays. The jabberjays were created by The Capitol to spy on rebels and enemies of The Capitol by recording their entire conversations. This backfired when rebels figured out about jabberjays, so The Capitol let them out into the wild where they mated with mockingbirds and created the new species mockingjay which are able to record sounds and human tones and no longer able to record words and conversations.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Week 4 Literacy Follow up : Story Summary

Last week in Te Kahu class we did group work for literacy. For the group work  we read a book called Rongoā For The Land. This is my summary of the text. 

Long ago when the first settlers came from Hawaiki to New Zealand they set up a project called the Ahikorou Project. Which helped the old  ancestors for generations by sustaining  essential plant life needed for survival.