We are a year 7 & 8 class from Pompallier Catholic School. My teacher is Whaea Danni.
Thursday, 21 November 2019
Movie Study
In Tui class we have been doing a movie study,a movie study is when you watch a movie and do tasks related to that movie. The movie we studied is a Christmas movie called Klaus.The movie is about Christmas,kindness, friendship and giving.We have 12 activities based on the movie as our contract.The 1st activity is to write a letter to a friend in another class recommending to watch the movie. The 2nd activity was if you could ask Klaus for any toy which toy would you chose and why? But the most interesting task is the last task we got to make and design a sleigh out of Popsicle sticks! The task that was most enjoyable for me was the 4th task, we chose a random person and we had to write a letter to them telling 5 things that will fill their bucket.I recommend the movie Klaus, it has an enjoyable plot,hilarious characters, and good morals.

Thursday, 7 November 2019
The sale of fireworks should be banned: my reluctant opinion
The sale of fireworks should be banned because you can watch a professional show which is safer, fireworks are expensive and people sometimes use them inappropriately.
You can watch a professional show, it is way cheaper than buying your own, way safer and sometimes the money you give is used for charitable deeds and the shows in Kaitaia are sometimes run by the fire brigade so in case a fire does start they are they're to save the day and if it isn't run by the brigade they are always prepared if a fire starts.
Fireworks are expensive.In Kaitaia they can be priced from $12.00 to $180.00 that is how expensive they are in New Zealand and all that money just for 10 minutes or more of bangs and booms and colorful lights in the sky it is just way cheaper to watch a professional show than waste some money and you could always buy some sparklers if they don't have them and they're usually cheap too.
People sometimes use them inappropriately here are three examples from the news "Hot air balloon explodes in Myanmar loaded with fireworks 9 people injured"."Firefighters called to 55 firework related fires across upper New Zealand" and "teenager dies after 4th July fireworks accident".
Those are the reasons why fireworks can be dangerous and should be banned so that you will stay safe, you will not have to beg for money, and use them appropriately but I still enjoy them anyway.
You can watch a professional show, it is way cheaper than buying your own, way safer and sometimes the money you give is used for charitable deeds and the shows in Kaitaia are sometimes run by the fire brigade so in case a fire does start they are they're to save the day and if it isn't run by the brigade they are always prepared if a fire starts.
Fireworks are expensive.In Kaitaia they can be priced from $12.00 to $180.00 that is how expensive they are in New Zealand and all that money just for 10 minutes or more of bangs and booms and colorful lights in the sky it is just way cheaper to watch a professional show than waste some money and you could always buy some sparklers if they don't have them and they're usually cheap too.
People sometimes use them inappropriately here are three examples from the news "Hot air balloon explodes in Myanmar loaded with fireworks 9 people injured"."Firefighters called to 55 firework related fires across upper New Zealand" and "teenager dies after 4th July fireworks accident".
Those are the reasons why fireworks can be dangerous and should be banned so that you will stay safe, you will not have to beg for money, and use them appropriately but I still enjoy them anyway.
Friday, 1 November 2019
# Labour Day
On the long weekend aka Labour Day I relaxed at home I woke up ate my favourite breakfast.I sat down and watched some television.Soon after me and my sister played board games ( I won most of them) after that I played my favourite game prodigy I then went to bed for another day of school.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Picasso Art
Last week in Tui class we have been doing Pablo Picasso type art here is a link.First we rolled a Picasso we got a sheet of paper with Pablo Picasso styled head shapes,noses,mouths and ears. Each one had a number above it we rolled the dice and selected which one we will use.After we chose our face and facial features we then put them in our draft. We moved the facial features around to see what was good and what was not. After we did that we glued our facial features on our paper then we drew our draft on our good copy. After that we coloured our art in with pastels, we had to wash our hands in between to stop the art from smudging my finished work looks "good".
Monday, 14 October 2019
holiday events
Today Mrs.Cutler asked us about amazing scary and relaxing events that happened in our holiday
I replied with this
For amazing I said I got a vintage train nail from the 1800's it was very old and rusty,I got it when my family were on a train ride in Dargaville. It was a vintage souvenir.
For scary I said I nearly got tetanus from the vintage train needle.I was playing around with it when I accidentally poked myself with it luckily it wasn't very sharp.
For relaxing I said I was relaxing in a Jacuzzi in our hotel.We booked a hotel for a night for our trip to Dargaville there was a Jacuzzi mode in the bathtub in our room. I spent 2 hours in it relaxing.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
The ANZAC button: A retell by Ebes
Back in WW1 ANZAC soldiers wore buttons on their khaki jacket which were very significant.They say a the shinier the button the bigger the soldiers pride, they say the button saved lives and felt the soldiers heartbeat and fear.After the war the khaki jacket was put deep in the soldiers wardrobe "it seldom saw the light of day".One 25th of April each year it got to see the light of day once again.It was polished and heard the wail of the bugle,the slow,sad beat of the drum then off to the closet for another year of waiting." The years passed slowly" but the soldier did not take the jacket out then one day the door cluttered open and light rushed into the closet.The soldiers great granddaughter took the khaki jacket out of the wardrobe the jacket was very stinky and was covered in moth holes.The mother showed the girl a picture of her great grandad right before the button saved him.The girl then took the buttons out of the jacket and made a necklace out of it she then wore it everywhere in respect of her grandad.
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Friday, 6 September 2019
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Taking a Chance 😀
Mahi Tahi means working together as one.In Pompallier School the three senior classes my class Tui,Kakapo and Te Kahu come together once a week to do mahi tahi.In Mahi Tahi we have the 4 c's we always use the 4 c's in Mahi Tahi which are collabaration,communication,critical thinking and creativity.Today in Mahi Tahi we did a taste test in a group of 4 we each took turns tasting while blindfolded there was a total of 12 dishes.Today we used communication the most.It was a fun activity and I really enjoyed it.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
How Much Do You Know About Kaitaia?
On our contracts we had an activity were we create five question about Kaitai have a go and here is my 5 Questions
1. What year was Kaiaia founded?
2.What was the name of the ship moari used to transport stuff to Auckland?
3. Who created The Northland Age newspaper?
4.Who founded Kaitaia?
5.kaitaia is one of the countrys oldest European towns true or false?
2.The Fairy
3.Allen Bell
4.Joseph Matthews and William Puckey
5. true
1. What year was Kaiaia founded?
2.What was the name of the ship moari used to transport stuff to Auckland?
3. Who created The Northland Age newspaper?
4.Who founded Kaitaia?
5.kaitaia is one of the countrys oldest European towns true or false?
2.The Fairy
3.Allen Bell
4.Joseph Matthews and William Puckey
5. true
Kaitaia and Northland The Places To Be.
This week on our contract we had to make a travel brochure about the Northisland and kaitaia
here is my brochure it is only the writting sorry.
here is my brochure it is only the writting sorry.
Traveling for Free
Last week in Tui class we were learning about landmarks and we made a poster my poster is already posted on my blog please check it out.Today we had a play around on Google Earth I visited some landmarks.The first landmark I saw was the Parthenon the most famous temple in Greece I also saw Chernobyl,Universal Studios Orlando, The White House,Mount Rushmore and The Grand Canyon.Google Earth is amazing we can go around the world with no budget we can go to places without staying away from home it is truly fantastic.
Friday, 23 August 2019
Greece: The Country I Want To Visit
Greece is a country in Southeastern Europe with thousands of islands throughout the Aegean sea and Ionian seas.
The main reason I want to visit Greece is to visit the temples of the Gods like The Parthenon a temple dedicated to the Goddess of wisdom Athena,historic sites like the town of Delphi and see some landmarks like The Meteora Monastries.
The second reason I want to visit Greece is to try the yummy food like Souvlaki,Gyro and Taramasulata.
The third reason I want to visit Greece is to see the flora and fauna like Acanthus Mollis,Milva flowers,Daffodils,Cliffroses and Crocus.And that is why I want to visit Greece
The main reason I want to visit Greece is to visit the temples of the Gods like The Parthenon a temple dedicated to the Goddess of wisdom Athena,historic sites like the town of Delphi and see some landmarks like The Meteora Monastries.
The second reason I want to visit Greece is to try the yummy food like Souvlaki,Gyro and Taramasulata.
The third reason I want to visit Greece is to see the flora and fauna like Acanthus Mollis,Milva flowers,Daffodils,Cliffroses and Crocus.And that is why I want to visit Greece
The Colosseum
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
How to do a info report
A info report is a genre of writing were you write about a topic and give it plenty of informationlast week we wrote down a country on a piece of paper screwed it up and chucked itup in the air then we choose a random country and we had to do a info report on the country, I got Switzerland here is my report.
Friday, 16 August 2019
Friday, 9 August 2019
$200 note
Today we made our own $200 dollar note we had to add a bird a NZ icon a color for the note holograph parts and a landmark which all have to be connected to the icon I chose Margret Mahy the world renowned author.Here is a explanation for my choices.
Why Margret Mahy?
She was a world renowned author.She has won many NZ and international awards for her writing.She has even got her own award called The Margret Mahy Award it is presented annually to a person who has made a significant contribution to the broad field of children's literature and literacy.
Why Kea ?
Margaret Mahy is author and authors write books and books give you knowledge. The Kea is actually the worlds smartest bird.
Why the Margaret Mahy playground ?
Its the biggest playground in the South Equater opened in 2015 named after Margarert Mahy.Following the 2011 earthquake in Christchurh NZ the governmnts recovery plan had a city-wide recovery plan.
Why yellow?
It is said that her favourite colours are blue and green, but those two colours are taken.So I found out she had a dog named honey named after her colour but the three colours added will not make anything so I decided on yellow!
Why Margret Mahy?
She was a world renowned author.She has won many NZ and international awards for her writing.She has even got her own award called The Margret Mahy Award it is presented annually to a person who has made a significant contribution to the broad field of children's literature and literacy.
Why Kea ?
Margaret Mahy is author and authors write books and books give you knowledge. The Kea is actually the worlds smartest bird.
Why the Margaret Mahy playground ?
Its the biggest playground in the South Equater opened in 2015 named after Margarert Mahy.Following the 2011 earthquake in Christchurh NZ the governmnts recovery plan had a city-wide recovery plan.
Why yellow?
It is said that her favourite colours are blue and green, but those two colours are taken.So I found out she had a dog named honey named after her colour but the three colours added will not make anything so I decided on yellow!
What is a biography?
A biography is a genre of writing about a persons life, their birth to death but if they are still living then you write what they are doing know an autobiography is the same thing expect the person writes it themselves.
How to write a good biography ?
First write from birth to death of course if they are still living then you write what they're doing now, add lots of info, where they were born when they were born, how they died when they died and where they died , add facts and at the end add some of their quotes.
A biography is a genre of writing about a persons life, their birth to death but if they are still living then you write what they are doing know an autobiography is the same thing expect the person writes it themselves.
How to write a good biography ?
First write from birth to death of course if they are still living then you write what they're doing now, add lots of info, where they were born when they were born, how they died when they died and where they died , add facts and at the end add some of their quotes.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Friday, 26 July 2019
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Sandra Silberzweig inspired art
Over the past few weeks me and my class have been creating Sandra Silberzweig inspired art.It all started with an activity on our maths contracts involving shapes and coloring them and then filling them with patterns next we got on with the actual art first we watched a video on how to do it the video also gave us good tips Mrs. Cutler explained to us the color wheel warm and cool colors bold and thine lines negative space one background black patterns and designs blending color and to make it perfectly imperfect then we did our drafts I personally did three drafts I combined all my drafts and created my final picture then we used Indian ink to do all our pencil lines there were thine lines bold lines and mega thin lines then we used chalk pastels to color them in Mrs. Cutler said that they were very powdery and to pick one up if we see it on the ground before it can get stood on she told us to wipe our hands before moving on with our next color I finished coloring and after you colored the art you do your black over and then set it out to dry after my art is dry Mrs. Cutler is going to laminate my art.Now that Mrs.Cutler laminated my art here is the finished edition.
Friday, 28 June 2019
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
instructional writing
Instructional writing is genre of writing about how to do this or that it is about helping people to do stuff. Yesterday our instructional writing was monster vs aliens we each had a partner and we each separated into two groups on a side in the classroom. We did Different creatures i did aliens my partner did a monster we were not allowed to tell the other side the creature we were drawing.
Next we had to write instructions on how we did our creatures we then swapped our book with our partner and tried to do their drawing the key to the instructional writing was to make it extremely specific.
Today we did how to tie your laces first we watched a video nothing to do with laces but it was a video on how to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich where they did instructional writing which was really entertaining next we decided on what our instructional writing would be we finally decided on doing how to tie your shoelace we never did it perfectly no one could there were always faults but some people were successful.
Next we had to write instructions on how we did our creatures we then swapped our book with our partner and tried to do their drawing the key to the instructional writing was to make it extremely specific.
Today we did how to tie your laces first we watched a video nothing to do with laces but it was a video on how to make a peanut butter and jam sandwich where they did instructional writing which was really entertaining next we decided on what our instructional writing would be we finally decided on doing how to tie your shoelace we never did it perfectly no one could there were always faults but some people were successful.
Friday, 21 June 2019
Wednesday, 19 June 2019
Tusks.A Moment In Time.
I hear the shots of the gun, the ripping of tusks and blood dripping.
I saw in horror as my family died.
I felt anger, sadness and the lust for revenge.
I wonder will there ever be peace.
The Path of The Mountains.A Moment In Time.
I heard silence, the falling rocks and the thumping of my heart.
I saw the bottom of the cliff, the path ahead and the children behind me.
I felt the pump of adrenaline, the frighting chances and the mystery of destiny.
I wonder will I make it ,will they make it and if one of us will die.
Friday, 14 June 2019
Friday, 7 June 2019
Monday, 27 May 2019
Clay Birds

Wednesday, 15 May 2019
solution to air pollution
We created an animation to share a message about an environmental issue in the world I choose to make mine about air pollution because It is big problem which can cause humanity's downfall by global warming
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Lest we forget
Today I will be showing you my ANZAC day writing with Whaea Shelley.We were writing about how the war would have been like. HERE IS MY WRITING.
As I sit here and think about ANZAC day... I think of the lust for blood in the enemies eyes, the screams of terror and pain, the sobs of those who lost their mates, the explosions of the bombs, the smell of the men, the taste of the dirt, the bloody war, the corpses of the men and then I think lest we forget. THE END
Thursday, 14 March 2019
In literacy, we are learning about finding the author's message. We got to choose 3 articles It seemed like a Good idea, Designed For Good and The Possum Problem all three about pests. I chose It Seemed Like A Good Idea. The reason the article was written is to tell about a pest problem and its history. PMI means positive, minus/negative and interesting.
P- It warns people about pests It tells us about a problem in NZ
M-people didn't think about the consequences way back then. They tried to fix a problem with another problem
I- It explains about animal shipping, the history of NZ It explains shipping fever
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